Monday, March 22, 2021

How Electricity Works is a very common question.

 How Electricity Works

 How Electricity Works is a very common question. Electricity energy is as common to us as running water in many areas, especially in industrialised countries. Despite this, there is a great deal of ignorance about this strange force and how it comes about.

If you can picture an atom as a sphere, imagine in the nucleus in the centre that contains at least one proton and at least one neutron. The proton is positively charged. In orbit around the nucleus is at least one electron which is negatively charged. The reason they have these opposite charges takes us deep into quantum physics. We know that the neutron is made up of quarks and the electron is an elementary particle (it is not made up of anything and is a particle in its own right), but the reason why they have opposite charges is a matter beyond my meagre capabilities and, in any case, this area is at the fringes of human knowledge.

Atoms may contain several protons and electrons. This variation is what separates elements from each other. Although described as sub-atomic particles, electrons have the properties of both particles and waves when it comes to fields of magnetism in electric circuits. In theory at least they could be both at the same time.

If an atom has no electric charge, i.e. it is neutral, then it contains the same amount of protons as electrons. In some materials - most metals for example - the electrons' orbit around the nucleus is quite loose and they can spin away from the atom. When this happens the atom becomes positively charged because protons are in the majority within the atom. A free electron can join another atom. When this occurs then its new host atom becomes negatively charged because the electrons are in the majority (assuming the atom was neutral in the first place).

There are many views about the subject. If you ask science experts on youtube to show how static electricity works, they will report that opposites attract. The greater the difference between the number of electrons and protons, the greater the attraction will be. This is called potential difference. If we therefore can manage to produce a negative charge at one end of a copper wire and a positive charge at the other end, free electrons would move towards the positive end. As electrons leave those atoms nearest the positive end, they leave behind positively charged atoms. Electrons from neighbouring atoms will be attracted towards these positive atoms thus creating yet more positive atoms in their wake. This continuing transfer of electrons is called current. The greater the potential difference, or voltage to use its measuring unit, the greater the force of the flow of electrons - or current.

Electric power can be supplied as direct current (e.g. from car batteries for lighting) or as alternating current (e.g. household mains).

Often an electrical product requires a different voltage to the one that is supplied from mains electric power. In these cases, a transformer rating is required. The use of transformers is very common along power lines and in electrical devices. As well as the step-up transformers that increase voltage - transformers can also reduce voltage. These step-down transformers can be found at utility substations where the very high voltages required to push electrons through long transmissions wires are reduced for local consumption.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Electricity and Magnetism - Power Explained


Electricity and Magnetism - Power Explained

Electricity is a form of energy that is transmitted through copper conductor wire to give power to the operation of electrical machines and devices such as industrial, commercial, institutional and residential lighting, electric motors, electrical transformers, communications networks, home appliances, electronics, etc.

When charged particles flow through the conductor, we call it "current electricity". This is because when the charged particles flow through wires, electricity also flows. We know that current means the flow of anything in a particular direction. For example, the flow of water. In the similar way, the flow of electricity in a certain direction is called current electricity or electric current.

 Magnetism is a type of attractive or repulsive force that acts up to certain distance at the speed of light. The distance up to which this attractive or repulsive force acts is called a "magnetic field". Magnetism is caused by the moving electric charges (especially electrons). When two magnetic materials are placed close to each other, they experience an attractive or repulsive force. 

What is the relationship between electricity and magnetism?

In the early days scientists believed that, thet were two uniquely, separate forces. However, James Clerk Maxwell proved these two separate were actually interrelated forces.

In 1820, Hans Christian Orsted observed a surprising thing, when he switched on the battery from which the electric current is flowing, the compass needle moved away from the point north. After this experiment, he concluded that, the electric current flowing through the wire produces a magnetic field.

Electricity and magnetism are related closely to each other. The electric current flowing through the wire produces a circular magnetic field outside the wire. The direction (clockwise or counter-clock wise) of this magnetic field is depends on the direction of the electric current.

In the similar way, a changing magnetic field produces an electric current in a wire or conductor. The relationship between them is called electromagnetism.

Electricity and magnetism is an interesting aspect of electricity sciences. We are familiar with in our everyday lives with the phenomenon of static cling - when two objects, such as a piece of Saran wrap and a wool sweater, are rubbed together, they cling.

One feature of this that we don't encounter too often is static "repulsion" - if each piece of Saran wrap is rubbed on the wool sweater, then the pieces of Saran wrap will repel when brought near each other. These phenomena are interpreted in terms of the objects acquiring an electric charge, which has the following features:


  • There are two types of charge, which by convention are labelled positive and negative.
  • Like charges repel, and unlike charges attract.
  • All objects may have a charge equal to an integral number of a basic unit of charge.
  • Charge is never created or destroyed.

Electric Fields
A convenient concept for describing these electric current and magnetic current forces is that ofelectric fields currents. Imagine that we have a fixed distribution of charges, such as on the plate below, and bring in the vicinity of this distribution a test charge Q.


Fig. 1 Test charge in the presence of a fixed charge distribution

This charge will experience a force due to the presence of the other charges. One defines the electric field of the charge distribution as:


The electric field is a property of this fixed charge distribution; the force on a different charge Q' at the same point would be given by the product of the charge Q' and the same electric field. Note that the electric field at Q is always in the same direction as the electric force.

Because the force on a charge depends on the magnitude of the charges involved and on the distances separating the charges, the electric field varies from point to point, both in magnitude and direction.

By convention, the direction of the electric field at a point is the direction of the force on a positive test charge placed at that point. An example of the electric field due to a positive point charge is given below. 

Fig. 2: Electric field lines of a positive charge


Power and Magnetic Fields
A phenomenon apparently unrelated to power are electrical magnetic fields. We are familiar with these forces through the interaction of compasses with the earth's magnetic field, or through fridge magnets or magnets on children's toys. Magnetic forces are explained in terms very similar to those used for electric forces:

  • There are two types of magnetic poles, conventionally called North and South
  • Like poles repel, and opposite poles attract

However, this attraction differs from electric power in one important aspect:

  • Unlike electric charges, magnetic poles always occur in North-South pairs; there are no magnetic monopoles.

Later on we will see at the atomic level why this is so.

As in the case of electric charges, it is convenient to introduce the concept of a magnetic field in describing the action of magnetic forces. Magnetic field lines for a bar magnet are pictured below.

One can interpret these lines as indicating the direction that a compass needle will point if placed at that position.

The strength of magnetic fields is measured in units of Teslas (T). One tesla is actually a relatively strong field - the earth's magnetic field is of the order of 0.0001 T.


Magnetic Forces On Moving Charges
One basic feature is that, in the vicinity of a magnetic field, a moving charge will experience a force. Interestingly, the force on the charged particle is always perpendicular to the direction it is moving. Thus magnetic forces cause charged particles to change their direction of motion, but they do not change the speed of the particle.

This property is used in high-energy particle accelerators to focus beams of particles which eventually collide with targets to produce new particles in gamma rays and radio waves.

Another way to understand these electricity and magnetism forces is to realize that if the force is perpendicular to the motion, then no work is done. Hence these forces do no work on charged particles and cannot increase their kinetic energy.

If a charged particle moves through a constant magnetic field, its speed stays the same, but its direction is constantly changing. A device in which this property is used is the mass spectrometer, which is used to identify elements. A basic mass spectrometer is pictured below.

In this device a beam of charged particles (ions) enter a region of a magnetic field, where they experience a force and are bent in a circular path. The amount of bending depends on the mass (and charge) of the particle, and by measuring this amount one can infer they type of particle that is present by comparing to the bending of known elements.


Magnet Power From Electric Power
A connection was discovered (accidentally) by Orsted over 100 years ago, who noticed that a compass needle is deflected when brought into the vicinity of a current carrying wire. Thus, currents induce in their vicinity magnetic fields. An electromagnet is simply a coil of wires which, when a current is passed through, generate a magnetic field, as below.

Another example is in an atom, since an electron is a charge which moves about the nucleus, in effect it forms a current loop, and hence a magnetic field may be associated with an individual atom. It is this basic property which is believed to be the origin of the magnetic properties of various types of materials found in nature.

Maxwell equations (otherwise known as maxwell theory) are a set of coupled partial differential equations that, together with the Lorentz force law, form the foundation of classical electromagnetism which deal with electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic waves and electromagnetic force. 


Thursday, March 18, 2021

Wireless Electricity

Wireless Electricity

Wireless Electricity involves a charging field, which is something pioneered by Nikola Tesla, a world leader who discovered alternating current (AC) electricity. AS most geniuses experience, he had great difficulty convincing men of his time to believe in a Wireless system founded on field power magnetism. Thomas Edison was in favor of direct current (DC) electricity and opposed AC electricity strenuously. Tesla eventually sold his rights to his alternating current patents to George Westinghouse for $1,000,000.

After paying off his investors, Tesla spent his remaining funds on his other inventions and culminated his efforts in a major breakthrough in 1899 at Colorado Springs by transmitting 100 million volts of high-frequency Wireless Electricity through a coils magnetic field, over a distance of 26 miles at which he lit up a bank of 200 light bulbs and ran one electric motor in order to power wireless devices! His design was to power devices, remotely. With this souped up version of his Tesla coil, Tesla claimed that only 5% of the transmitted energy was lost in the process. But broke of funds again, he looked for investors to back his project of broadcasting electric power in almost unlimited amounts to any point on the globe.

The method he would use to produce this Wireless Electricity was to employ the earth's own resonance with its specific vibrational frequency to conduct AC electricity via a large electric oscillator. When J.P. Morgan agreed to underwrite Tesla's technologies, a strange structure was begun and almost completed near Wardenclyffe in Long Island, N.Y. Looking like a huge lattice-like, wooden oil derrick with a mushroom cap, it had a total height of 200 feet. Then suddenly, Morgan withdrew his support to the project in 1906, and eventually the structure was dynamited and brought down in 1917.

A Tesla coil is a special transformer that can take the 110 volt electricity from your house and convert it rapidly to a great deal of high-voltage, high-frequency, low-amperage power. The high-frequency Wireless Electricity output of even a small Tesla coil can light up fluorescent tubes held several feet away without any wire connections. Even a large number of spent or discarded fluorescent tubes (their burned out cathodes are irrelevant) will light up if hung near a long wire running from a Tesla coil while using less than 100 watts drawn by the coil itself when plugged into an electrical outlet!

Sincethe Tesla coil steps up the voltage to such a high degree, the alternating oscillations achieve sufficient excitations efficiently within the tubes of gases to produce lighting at a minimal expense of original power! Fluorescent tubes can be held under high-tension wires to produce the same lighting up effect. Remember the farmer a few years ago who was caught with an adaptive transformer under a set of high tension lines that ran over his property? Through the air, he pulled down all the power he needed to run his wireless powered farm devices power without using any connecting apparatus to the lines overhead! Any electrical engineer who lives by the laws of science and works with the proper materials can do the same things

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

What is Electricity?


What is Electricity?

what is electricity

Electricity is one of the most widely used forms of energy


Electricity is not only a basic part of nature. It is also one of the most widely used forms of energy. In addition to naturally occurring in the form of lightning or static electricity, it is also a manufactured product, created in an electrical generator, flowing from there through wires to where it is consumed.

Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge through a conductor. Copper wires are good conductors of electric current.

The electricity that we use is a secondary energy source because it is produced by converting primary sources of energy such as coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, solar energy, and wind energy into electrical power. It also referred to as an energy carrier, which means it can be converted to other forms of energy such as mechanical energy or heat.

Electricity use has dramatically changed daily life

Despite its great importance in daily life, few people probably stop to think about what life would be like without electricity. Like air and water, people tend to take electricity for granted. But people use electricity to do many jobs every day—from lighting, heating, and cooling homes to powering televisions and computers.

Before electricity became widely available about 100 years ago, candles, whale oil lamps, and kerosene lamps provided light, iceboxes kept food cold, and wood-burning or coal-burning stoves provided heat.

Scientists and inventors have worked to decipher the principles of electricity since the 1600s. Some notable accomplishments were made by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Nikola Tesla.

Benjamin Franklin demonstrated that lightning is electricity. Thomas Edison invented the first long-lasting incandescent light bulb.

Prior to 1879, direct current (DC) electricity had been used in arc lights for outdoor lighting. In the late 1800s, Nikola Tesla pioneered the generation, transmission, and use of alternating current (AC) electricity, which reduced the cost of transmitting electricity over long distances. Tesla's inventions brought electricity into homes to power indoor lighting and into factories to power industrial machines.

Electricity is the flow of electrically charged particles (such as electrons or protons), either statically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a electrical current. All matter is made up of atoms, and an atom has a center, called a nucleus. The nucleus contains positively charge electricity particles called protons and uncharged particles called neutrons.

The nucleus of an atom is surrounded by negatively charged particles called electrons. The negative charge is measured as electrons moved equal to the positive charge of a proton, and the number of electrons in an atom is usually equal to the number of protons.

When the balancing force between protons and electrons is upset by an outside force, an atom may gain or lose an electron. When electrons are "lost" from an atom, the free movement of these electrons constitutes an electric current.

Power is a basic part of nature and it is one of our most widely used forms of energy. We get power, which is a secondary energy source, from the conversion of other sources of energy, like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, which are called primary sources. Electricity utilities keep electric flowing 4 hours a day, to a nation thirsty for electric power.

Many cities and towns were built alongside waterfalls (a primary source of mechanical energy) that turned water wheels to perform work. Before power generation began slightly over 100 years ago, houses were lit with kerosene lamps, food was cooled in iceboxes, and rooms were warmed by wood-burning or coal-burning stoves.

Beginning with Benjamin Franklin's experiment with a kite one stormy night in Philadelphia, the principles of power gradually became understood. In the mid-1800s, Thomas Edison changed everyone's life -- he perfected his invention -- the electric light bulb. Prior to 1879, power had been used in arc lights for outdoor lighting. Edison's invention used power to bring indoor lighting to our homes.



To solve the problem of sending power through circuits over long distances, George Westinghouse developed a device called a transformer. The transformer allowed power to be efficiently transmitted over long distances. This made it possible to supply power to homes and businesses located far from the electric generating plant.

Despite its great importance in our daily lives, most of us rarely stop to think how life would be like without power. Yet like air and water, we tend to take power for granted. Everyday, we use power to do many functions for us -- from lighting and heating/cooling our homes, to being the power source for televisions and computers. power is a controllable and convenient form of energy used in the applications of heat, light and power.

Today, the United States (U.S.) electric power industry is organized to ensure that an adequate supply of power is available to meet all demand requirements at any given instant.



An electric generator is a device for converting mechanical kinetic energy into electrical energy in a power station. The process is based on the relationship between magnetism and power. When a wire or any other electrically conductive material moves across a magnetic field, an electric current occurs in the wire.The large generators used by the electric utility industry have a stationary conductor.

A magnet attached to the end of a rotating shaft is positioned inside a stationary conducting ring that is wrapped with a long, continuous piece of wire. When the magnet rotates, it induces a small electric current in each section of wire as it passes. Each section of wire constitutes a small, separate electric conductor. All the small currents of individual sections add up to one current of considerable size.This current is used for electric power.



Power is measured by electric fields, in units of power called watts. It was named to honor James Watt, the inventor of the steam engine. One watt is a very small amount of power. It would require nearly 750 watts to equal one horsepower in terms of the amount of electric potential energy.

A kilowatt represents 1,000 watts. A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is equal to the energy of 1,000 watts working for one hour.

The amount of power a power plant generates or a customer uses over a period of time is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh). Kilowatt hours are determined by multiplying the number of kW's required by the number of hours of use. For example, if you use a 40-watt light bulb 5 hours a day, you have used 200 watts of power, or .2 kilowatt hours of electrical energy.

Electric Power in General

Traditional electric utilities in the United States are generating electric power at tremendous rates and are responsible for ensuring an adequate and reliable supply of electricity energy to all consumers at a reasonable cost. Electric utilities include investor-owned, publicly owned, cooperatives, and Federal utilities.

Power marketers are also considered electric utilities--these entities buy and sell power, but usually do not own or operate generation, transmission, or distribution facilities. Utilities are regulated by local, State, and Federal authorities.

The electric power industry is evolving from a highly regulated, monopolistic industry with traditionally structured electric utilities to a less regulated, competitive industry. The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA) opened up competition in the generation market with the creation of qualifying facilities. The Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPACT) removed some constraints on ownership of electric generation facilities and encouraged increased competition in the wholesale electric power business.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Types of Electricity - Modern Methods

Types of Electricity - Modern Methods

page corner

There are two types of Electricity, Static Electricity and Current Electricity. Static Electricity is made by rubbing together two or more objects and making friction while Current electricity is the flow of electric charge across an electrical field.

Static Electricity

Static electricity is when electrical charges build up on the surface of a material. It is usually caused by rubbing materials together. The result of a build-up of static electricity is that objects may be attracted to each other or may even cause a spark to jump from one to the other. For Example rub a baloon on a wool and hold it up to the wall.

Before rubbing, like all materials, the balloons and the wool sweater have a neutral charge. This is because they each have an equal number of positively charged subatomic particles (protons) and negatively charged subatomic particles (electrons). When you rub the balloon with the wool sweater, electrons are transferred from the wool to the rubber because of differences in the attraction of the two materials for electrons. The balloon becomes negatively charged because it gains electrons from the wool, and the wool becomes positively charged because it loses electrons.

Current Electricity

Current is the rate of flow of electrons. It is produced by moving electrons and it is measured in amperes. Unlike static electricity, current electricity must flow through a conductor, usually copper wire. Current with electricity is just like current when you think of a river. The river flows from one spot to another, and the speed it moves is the speed of the current. With electricity, current is a measure of the amount of energy transferred over a period of time. That energy is called a flow of electrons. One of the results of current is the heating of the conductor. When an electric stove heats up, it's because of the flow of current.

There are different sources of current electricity including the chemical reactions taking place in a battery. The most common source is the generator. A simple generator produces electricity when a coil of copper turns inside a magnetic field. In a power plant, electromagnets spinning inside many coils of copper wire generate vast quantities of current electricity.

There are two main kinds of electric current. Direct (DC) and Alternating (AC). It's easy to remember. Direct current is like the energy you get from a battery. Alternating current is like the plugs in the wall. The big difference between the two is that DC is a flow of energy while AC can turn on and off. AC reverses the direction of the electrons.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

How Electricity Generate🤔

 Electricity is most often generated at a power plant by electromechanical generators, primarily driven by heat engines fueled by combustion or nuclear fission but also by other means such as the kinetic energy of flowing water and wind. Other energy sources include solar photovoltaics and geothermal power.


•Nuclear power plants

Nuclear power comes from nuclear fission

Nuclear power plants heat water to produce steam. The steam is used to spin large turbines that generate electricity. Nuclear power plants use heat produced during nuclear fission to heat water.

In nuclear fission, atoms are split apart to form smaller atoms, releasing energy. Fission takes place inside the reactor of a nuclear power plant. At the center of the reactor is the core, which contains uranium fuel.

The uranium fuel is formed into ceramic pellets. Each ceramic pellet produces about the same amount of energy as 150 gallons of oil. These energy-rich pellets are stacked end-to-end in 12-foot metal fuel rods. A bundle of fuel rods, some with hundreds of rods, is called a fuel assembly. A reactor core contains many fuel assemblies.

The heat produced during nuclear fission in the reactor core is used to boil water into steam, which turns the blades of a steam turbine. As the turbine blades turn, they drive generators that make electricity. Nuclear plants cool the steam back into water in a separate structure at the power plant called a cooling tower, or they use water from ponds, rivers, or the ocean. The cooled water is then reused to produce steam.

•Wind energy

Wind power is one of the fastest-growing renewable energy technologies. Usage is on the rise worldwide, in part because costs are falling. Global installed wind-generation 2013, and in 2016 wind energy accounted for 16% of the electricity generated by renewables. Many parts of the world have strong wind speeds, but the best locations for generating wind power are sometimes remote ones. Offshore wind power offers tremendous potential.

Wind turbines first emerged more than a century ago. Following the invention of the electric generator in the 1830s, engineers started attempting to harness wind energy to produce electricity. Wind power generation took place in the United Kingdom and the United States in 1887 and 1888, but modern wind power is considered to have been first developed in Denmark, where horizontal-axis wind turbines were built in 1891 and a 22.8-metre wind turbine began operation in 1897.

Wind is used to produce electricity using the kinetic energy created by air in motion. This is transformed into electrical energy using wind turbines or wind energy conversion systems. Wind first hits a turbine’s blades, causing them to rotate and turn the turbine connected to them. That changes the kinetic energy to rotational energy, by moving a shaft which is connected to a generator, and thereby producing electrical energy through electromagnetism.

The amount of power that can be harvested from wind depends on the size of the turbine and the length of its blades. The output is proportional to the dimensions of the rotor and to the cube of the wind speed. Theoretically, when wind speed doubles, wind power potential increases by a factor of eight.

Wind-turbine capacity has increased over time. In 1985, typical turbines had a rated capacity of 0.05 megawatts (MW) and a rotor diameter of 15 metres. Today’s new wind power projects have turbine capacities of about 2 MW onshore and 3–5 MW offshore.

Commercially available wind turbines have reached 8 MW capacity, with rotor diameters of up to 164 metres. The average capacity of wind turbines increased from 1.6 MW in 2009 to 2 MW in 2014.

•hydroelectric power plant

Flowing water creates energy that can be captured and turned into electricity. This is called hydroelectric power or hydropower.

The most common type of hydroelectric power plant uses a dam on a river to store water in a reservoir. Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine, spinning it, which in turn activates a generator's to produce electricity. But hydroelectric power doesn’t necessarily require a large dam. Some hydroelectric power plants just use a small canal to channel the river water through a turbine.

Another type of hydroelectric power plant – called a pumped storage plant – can even store power. The power is sent from a power grid into the electric generators. The generators then spin the turbines backward, which causes the turbines to pump water from a river or lower reservoir to an upper reservoir, where the power is stored. To use the power, the water is released from the upper reservoir back down into the river or lower reservoir. This spins the turbines forward, activating the generators to produce electricity.

A small or micro-hydroelectric power system can produce enough electricity for a home, farm, or ranch.

•Solar energy

Solar energy is the transformation of heat, the energy that comes from the sun. It has been used for thousands of years in many different ways by people all over the world. The oldest uses of solar energy is for heating, cooking, and drying.

After passing through the Earth's atmosphere, most of the Sun's energy is in the form of visible light and infrared light radiation. Plants convert the energy in sunlight into chemical energy (sugars and starches) through the process of photosynthesis. Humans regularly use this store of energy in various ways, as when they burn wood off fossil fuels, or when simply eating plants, fish and animals.

Solar radiation reaches the Earth's upper atmosphere with the power of 1366 watts per square meter (W/m2). Since the Earth is round, the surface nearer its poles is angled away from the Sun and receives much less solar energy than the surface nearer the equator.

Solar power is energy from the sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy. Solar energy is the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available, and the .India has some of the richest solar resources in the world. Solar technologies can harness this energy for a variety of uses, including generating electricity, providing light or a comfortable interior environment, and heating water for domestic, commercial, or industrial use.

•Solar Technologies

There are three main ways to harness solar energy: photovoltaics, solar heating & cooling, and concentrating solar power. Photovoltaics generate electricity directly from sunlight via an electronic process and can be used to power anything from small electronics such as calculators and road signs up to homes and large commercial businesses. Solar heating & cooling (SHC) and concentrating solar power (CSP) applications both use the heat generated by the sun to provide space or water heating in the case of SHC systems, or to run traditional electricity-generating turbines in the case of CSP power plants.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021






Alexander Nikolayevich Lodygin

Short information:-Alexander Nikolayevich Lodygin, known after immigration to US as Alexandre de Lodyguine was a Russian electrical engineer and inventor, one of inventors of the incandescent light bulb. Alexander Nikolayevich Lodygin was born in Stenshino village, Tambov Governorate, Russian Empire. Wikipedia

Born: 18 October 1847, Tambov, Russia

Died: 16 March 1923, Brooklyn, New York, United States

Inventions: Incandescent light bulb

Education: Kafedra Resursosberegayushchikh Tekhnologiy Sankt-Peterburgskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnologicheskogo Instituta

Awards: Lomonosov Prize.     

Biography:-1872: He decided to go to Saint Petersburg to attend lectures at Saint Petersburg Institute of Technology and to start working on an electrical helicopter (electrolyot). The electrical helicopter would need some sort of artificial lighting that would have to be electrical. He decided to start his helicopter work by developing a source of electrical light for it.

1872: He applied for a Russian patent for his filament lamp. He also patented this invention in Austria, Britain, France, and Belgium. For a filament, Lodygin used a very thin carbon rod, placed under a bell-glass.

August 1873: He demonstrated prototypes of his electric filament lamp in the physics lecture hall of the Saint Petersburg Institute of Technology.

1873–1874: He conducted experiments with electric lighting on ships, city streets, etc.

11 July 1874: He was granted the Russian patent, as patent number 1619.

In 1874, the Petersburg Academy of Sciences awarded him with a Lomonosov Prize for his invention of the filament lamp. That same year, Lodygin established the Electric Lighting Company, A.N. Lodygin and Co.

1875: From here on he was very interested in the socialist ideas of the Narodniks.

1880s: After Narodniks killed Emperor Alexander II of Russia, there were repressions against their organization.

1884: As a result, he had to emigrate from Russia to France and United States.

1895: He married the German reporter Alma Schmidt, the daughter of an electrical engineer.

1890s: He invented a few types of filament lamps with metallic filaments; some say he was the first scientist to use a tungsten filament. He got a patent for lamps with tungsten filaments (US Patent No. 575,002 Illuminant for Incandescent Lamps, Application on 4 January 1893)[1] and sold it to General Electric (1906),[citation needed] who began the first industrial production of such lamps.

1899: Petersburg Institute of Electrical Engineering awarded Lodygin with the honorary title of electrical engineer.

1907: Lodygin returned to Russia. He continued work on a series of his inventions, including a new type of electrical motor, electrical welding, tungsten alloys, electrical ovens and smelting furnaces. He taught at Petersburg Institute of Electrical Engineering and worked for the Petersburg railroad.

1914: He was sent by the Ministry of Agriculture to develop plans for electrification of Olonets and Novgorod governorates.

After the February Revolution Lodygin emigrated to United States. Because of health problems he declined a Soviet offer to work for their State Plan for Electrification of Russia (1918).

1923: He died in Brooklyn in New York.

He invented an incandescent light bulb before Thomas Edison, but it was not commercially profitable. The lamp with a tungsten filament is indeed the only design used now, but in 1906 they were too expensive.

Several Lodygin's ideas were implemented much later, even after his death. In 1871 Lodygin proposed an autonomous diving apparatus that consisted of a steel mask, natural rubber costume, accumulator battery and a special apparatus for electrolysis of water. The diver was supposed to breathe the oxygen-hydrogen mix obtained by electrolysis of water.[2] The invented diving apparatus was very similar to modern scuba equipment[3][4]

His ideas for an electrical helicopter were used[citation needed] many years later by Igor

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